The labor and delivery went picture perfect....with Levi wasting no time in making his debut--just 2 hours from arrival to the hospital! Tim was the first to announce, "IT'S A BOY!" and, I must say, it was definitely worth the wait for that special moment.
We are again amazed at and in awe of the miracle of life--THANK YOU LORD FOR ENTRUSTING LEVI TO US. WE KNOW THAT HE IS OUR GIFT FROM YOU AND WE ARE HUMBLED AND OVERWHELMED BY THE MAGNITUDE OF THIS RESPONSIBILITY. We don't take for granted for a second that Levi is healthy and have spent every waking moment (and there have been quite a bit of waking moments lately ;-) oogling at his fingers and toes and ears and lips and eyes. He is simply perfect and we are slowly adjusting to life as a family of four.