Little does he know what he is in for...
Whoa!! Look how LITTLE he is compared to the other kids...and all by himself...
Sliding with Daddy..
Mommy's turn....Mommy was terrified walking up those stairs!!
Little does he know what he is in for...
Whoa!! Look how LITTLE he is compared to the other kids...and all by himself...
Sliding with Daddy..
Mommy's turn....Mommy was terrified walking up those stairs!!
We got our Jumparoo back two days ago and put Mr. Levi in it....he knew just what to do and was jumping and twirling in no time. He squeals with delight....and now prefers the jumparoo to the exersaucer.....look at those leg muscles!!
Big Brother the Protector :: When I put Levi in the Jumparoo for the first time, Mason was all up in arms....he kept telling me that Levi was 'too little' to be jumping around like that....I had to reassure him, that Levi is getting bigger...that he isn't that little baby that came home from the hospital anymore....and that pretty soon he'll be crawling and then walking like cuzzy Luke...
And I am so glad that I got to capture Mason saying, "Hold me a second" and "I need my blankie" ... these are 2 very common phrases in the morning....after naps....after an injury....when feeling jealous....or scared....or tired....or cuddly....other fun phrases:
"Guys, Guys"
"yeah, I think so..."
"it disappeared"
"sit on my lap" (meaning mommy or daddy's lap)
"Mommy, where are you?"
Cousin Ed meets Levi
Cousin Kerry + her 3 year old Logan meet Levi
Grandma Bella + Levi -- he really was happy until he heard my voice....
Aunt Brit makes giant bubbles for Mason + Logan
Levi chillin' in the bumbo...Mason calls him 'Bumbo Boy'
Grandma Linda soaking in some rays with Baby Levi, aka Chunker Monk