23 August 2011

9 months

Oh Sweet Ava-Girl.

How can you possibly be 9 months old?

I want to change your name to Ava Joy because that is what you do...you bring J-O-Y to your mommy and daddy...and pretty much everyone you meet.

You are cruising the furniture like it is going out of style.

You got your first tooth on Grandma Bella's Birthday, August 13th.

You are starting to eat more foods, but prefer to self-feed. Some of your favorites are: garbanzo beans, cheese, tortillas, oatmeal with some cinnamon, and last night you gobbled up peas like they were chocolate chips!

You sing/squeal your way to sleep during the day.

You are so laid back. You just go with the flow. It is wonderful. It is refreshing.

You still are up once or twice at night, but just for a quick nursing (when will you give momma a b-r-e-a-k??)

Your brothers adore you. They drag you around the house. They make you belly laugh -- loudest, sweetest sound on earth!

Ava Shannon Best -- you have changed our lives. You have added so much J*O*Y to our souls...like, down deep, so far down deep that it hurts. Every day your personality shines more and more...and every day we love you more and more.

You are our precious daughter and we thank God for the gift that is YOU!!

15 August 2011

Kindergartening ... at home

It is the question that somehow always gets asked right after Mason says, "I'm 5!"

"Are you going to kindergarten?"
"Are you excited to start kindergarten?"
"Where will you go to kindergarten?"

I get it. I do the same thing. It's what 5-year-olds do. I am just a little unsure of how to answer this question.

"Yes" is what I would like to say. And then just leave it at that.

But my sweet 5 year old responds, "I am kindergartening at home." Oh how I love his honesty.

Most of the time there is an awkward pause in the conversation. Or a weird glance up to me to make sure this is, in fact, what is going to happen. Sometimes the conversation is over altogether.

It has gotten easier with each exchange. I am getting {more} comfortable with the idea. I am much more confidant in our decision. I am not {entirely} terrified at the very mention of kindergarten anymore.

The truth is we will be kindergartening at home. Kindergarten came in a box to our front door. And it is now unpacked from that box and getting itself ready for a year of adventure and learning and fun.

How did we arrive at this decision? Let's just say it was a L-O-N-G road of doubt and uncertainty, of reading and information gathering, of praying and seeking wise counsel, of reflecting on our own educational experiences. And finally...to surrendering to what we believe to be the very best choice for kindergarten for Mason and for our family.

I didn't want to. I fought it. But with each new school supply purchase and with each new conversation about kindergartening at home, I gain excitement and momentum to rock this new role.

Or die trying.

One year at a time.