As Mason approaches his second birthday and as my pregnancy hormones kick into full gear, I feel like I am trying to soak in every part of his little personality...every essence of his being. The camera in my mind is trying to freeze specific pictures throughout the day. I am trying to make sense out of how much he has grown and how quickly the past two years have gone by...from that sweet smelling infant that stretched with every ounce of his strength to this boisterous toddler that can walk and run and talk. He has stolen my heart. He has expanded my patience. He has taught me about life and love and given me a greater sense of purpose and responsibility than I thought I could ever have or handle.
Pretty soon I'll be busy with another little bundle of joy...I'll have to divide my time between the one that has been my whole world for the past two years with a new gift from God. I am excited and anxious at the same time. How can I love someone else as much as Mason....How can my heart grow even bigger....How can I keep from being too busy to enjoy every smile and tear and coo and giggle and milestone?? HOW?? I don't know, but I do know that I never want to be too caught up in diaper changes and feedings and routines to soak in all of the joys of life.
Here are some 'pictures' I am choosing to freeze...these are things that I never ever want to forget about my Mason and the way he is right now in time:
- The way he walks in his snow boots. It is like he is clumping around...big, serious steps...with a big, cheesy grin.
- When we sing "If you're happy and you know it", he puts his fingers in his ears instead of on his cheeks when he sings, "You're face will surely show it"
- Belly laughs.
- Running around and jumping on the bed after bath time!
- Happy feet.
- His addiction to one purple dinosaur.
- When he falls asleep on my lap while reading books for bed or naptime.
- Ring around the rosie.
- The way that he points for me to tell him the 'coloring rules' : Don't color on the table...only on the paper. We go through this EVERY time the crayons come out.
- 'Helping' me bake and licking the spatula.
- The way he makes the "CHOO-CHOO" sound....super high-pitched with the arm motion....
- The amazingly beautiful color of his eyebrows. Seriously, this is something only a mommy would notice.
- Hugs and shoulder pats. And the way he leans in for a kiss.
- The peaceful look on his face when he passes out in the car.
So many more memories that I'll be recording in the next several weeks. I am so blessed to be home with Mason 24/7 so that I can have both quantity time AND quality time!