We went swimming at the indoor pool in Gram's development--so much fun!! Mason was having a blast trying to 'help' Grumpa put together Gram's new computer hutch. He heard Grumpa drilling from outside on the porch...opened the screen door and went inside to investigate. Went right up to where Grumpa was working and picked up a screwdriver and started 'helping'...PRECIOUS!!
Then...during dinner...which he wanted no part of...Mason got up and went to where Gram and Grumpa keep the dog's food... He set up a bowl for Razzle in the middle of the great room and started walking (and then running) back and forth depositing handfuls of dog food for Razzle to eat. He would wait for Razzle to start eating said deposit before husseling back for another load...I have it on video...now I just have to figure out how to upload video to this!!