The second half of the month of March was filled with stress, bleach, chaos, boiling, tears, screaming, hand washing....mostly by Levi and me....We started having some nursing issues at the beginning of March and towards the middle I grew increasingly concerned about how little he was nursing so we ended up at the doctor's office looking into possible thrush, possible acid reflux, possible low milk supply.
Long story short, I think we are on the up and up. I have eliminated all dairy from my diet, which includes the obvious milk, yogurt, ice cream! and the not-so-obvious like most breads, dressings, lunch meat, the list goes on and on. Nursing is still not easy most of the time for us, but I know it is worth it and (hopefully) things will continue to get better....
As you can see, he is obviously gaining weight...and is coming alive in so many other ways, too! Levi is much more social...cooing and smiling and laughing...he loves his baths and kicking his legs...and watching Mason do just about anything.
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