During my elementary years, I was in an enrichment class once a week (I think we were picked at random, so don't be jealous, Ms. Ironical). The wonderful teachers broadened my horizons, challenged me to think creatively (a near impossibility for this Type A), and got me out of the drudgery and boredom of 'regular' school for a whole day!!
It was one of these beloved teachers that would write on the board "KETCHUP" and draw a Heinz bottle and then post the items we needed to catch up on during that time .... unfinished assignments, projects, etc. For some reason, this simple, witty idea has stuck with me and, although I don't know how to draw a ketchup bottle, I do make my ketchup list from time to time....
And this blog is one of the items on my KETCHUP list:
It has been a fun and busy fall. From the moment the brothers booked their flight to OH (and the subsequent booking of the sister and nephew flight), I began RUNNING with excitement in happy preparations.....more cleaning out, washing, planning where everyone would stay, possible outing ideas, conversations to have, faces to soak in.... I mean, the brothers only come around once a year now that they live "TOO FAR AWAY!" in Washington State.....that this is a BIG deal...
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with Matt & Phil ... I love these guys! They were total troopers, hanging out and playing with 3 sometimes delightful (more often fussy, teething, whiny, demanding messes) children in the confines of our home because the Ohio weather surely did not cooperate with my grandiose ideas for pumpkin picking, Aurora Farms, the zoo, parks, walks, hikes, museums, etc. And, our one attempt at going to Fun n Stuff was foiled as they were CLOSED....Of course, it is 70 degrees and sunny here THIS week....go figure.
The brothers are fantastic uncles...playing on the floor with the kiddos, trying to eat all of Mason's macaroni and cheese, teaching Mason how to cannonball, going trick or treating. We had so much quality time together that I just don't believe they could possibly wait a whole year to come back....hint...hint...wink...wink!
So, here is one of my famous photo essays of the past couple of weeks (in no particular order) .... Again, I realize this is the easy (and lazy) way out, but I can't possibly do individual blogs on everything that has happened....and I need to cross this off my ketchup list!
I love this kid! He gives new meaning to the word JOY!
1 comment:
this is a very comprehensive update.
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