Levi got his first haircut today...about time considering he is 19 months old! He wasn't so sure at first, but then he just sat their nonchalantly with an expression like...Hey Mom, this is what big boys do....
Of course, it helped that big brother was in the booth next door showing him what to do...
uh....I'm not so sure about this...

all cleaned up...and checking himself out in the mirror!
Aaaaw so adorable! Your little Levi got his first haircut way before my little Levi will ever need one I'm sure! He's 13 months and still barely has any hair!
Anyway, your Levi looks so handsome! And he did such a great job sitting there like a big boy!
I guess 19 months seems old b/c Mason had his hair cut before he hit 12 months! Levi has had much more sporadic hair--a slew of mohawk down the middle with some sweet little curls in the back... It pained me to actually cut them, but they were mullet-esque when wet. And my hubby has flashbacks from his 'rat-tail' days ;-)
Hey..bald is beautiful, right? Your Levi has a perfect melon that he just has to show off!!
can't wait to see your crew on Sunday..... I could have cut Levi's hair.... I let you cut Luke's hair.
Cute! I'm taking A in for a real cut this weekend. He's only had home haircuts so far. But he's got enough hair now - it's too much for me to handle!
Mason got home haircuts...but I just wasn't doing him justice and often ended in a buzz cut. ;-)
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