15 July 2010

Wild Western Adventure

It's been a while...I am going to ignore talking about that and fill you in on the WHY:

#1 We will be adding a BABY GIRL to our family in November!! This BABY GIRL made me sicker than sick for 8 long weeks....

#2 We have a BRAND, NEW KITCHEN...Tim slaved for 5 weeks while the boys and I stayed at my parents (Tim was there for 3-4 hours every night). The results are amazing, although it is not quite 'done'....will get some before/after pics up soon.

#3 We just got back from 12 days in the wild, wild west, which included watching my baby brother get married to Chelsea, hiking, canoeing, whining, and exploring.

Here are some initial pics. I left the majority of the picture taking to my sister and her fancy camera...there are some up at http://www.ashbyadventures.blogspot.com/.


Lady A said...

you need to warn me before you do something like this...seriously almost had a heart attack

Anonymous said...

YAY! Congrats on the baby girl! What an awesome blessing!

I'm loving hearing all about your and your sis' wild west adventure. Sounds seriously comical. But then again, all family trips usually are. As long as there are at least 2 or 3 small children involved ;)

Congrats again!