Wow! We hit the ground running upon returning from vacation. Ear Tube Surgery, Father's Day, Safety Town, Vacation Bible School, and then lots of family time when Uncle Matt & his new girlfriend Michelle came to visit. Emily & the cousins shacked up with us--and it went so well that they stayed almost a week (instead of the 4 days we had planned for)! And, we topped it all off with some good times with Tim's side of the family over a 4th of July weekend to remember .
Happy Father's Day to the BEST Daddy in the world! Mason told Tim he wanted to celebrate Father's Day for 21 days (or years)...We celebrated with a slow restful morning, a big breakfast, homemade cards, and a cookout over at Tim's dad's house. These 3 kiddos are pretty lucky to have such a patient and plugged-in providing, teaching, discipining, discipling Daddy for their Dad.
Ava first tastes of food. Homemade sweet potato puree. She didn't seem to mind the taste, but she had us all laughing when she kept her mouth open for the next 15 minutes and all of that sweet potato goodness oozed out of her salivating open mouth. She prefers chunked food-bananas, sweet potato cubes, cheerios...but, honestly, she just isn't that interested {much to my dismay}. My brother Matt and his girlfriend Michelle spent a wonderful week with us. They were total troopers since I can only imagine that hanging with 5 kids 5 and under is not what their typical Friday night or Saturday night or Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday nights look like. We had a fabulous visit--saw the new elephant exhibit at the Cleveland zoo.
Mom and Mason rocking the color the zoo:
1 comment:
Whenever I see pics of families from the east or even just more eastern states than California, I notice how different life looks there than it is here. I always notice how much slower paced everything seems, and also how much SPACE you all have! Even in the area we live, a much less populated region than Orange County (where my husband and I grew up) we are crammed in here like sardeens! Well, maybe not like sardeens, but for example, to find a backyard the size as I've seen in your pics, that's about 1 in 10 out here.
Anyway, just an observation.
Looks like you guys have been busy....sure is the sweet life eh?!
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