And, Mason is our resident potty pro. I feel like this has been my one 'easy button' with him. He really has had an easy time with the potty training....and he is staying dry all.night.long and during his nap! No more diapers for him...and, since we are using cloth with Levi, we are in the money!! He has learned how to use his new 'going on the potty' status to his advantage. When my mom was putting him down for a nap the other day, he told her he had to go pee-pee...which he didn't, but it bought him some time and attention....the manipulation continues ;-) Mason also continues to label his poo....His most popular is "a big U"...but, recently, he has had a worm, the letter "S", and (perhaps the most beautiful) a butterfly. This trend is hilarious....and I never thought I would be so excited to see what he thinks his next poo looks like. I truly have to hold myself back from photographing these masterpieces...because they really look like what he says....And here he is on the pot.
21 August 2008
I know that the silly percentile charts at the doctor's office mean nothing...and even less for a breastfed baby...but, I like numbers. I like to know where my child is at...even if it means nothing. So, you can understand why it has been difficult (for me) that Levi hasn't been to the doctor since the beginning of May.

Well, we went yesterday. Levi is 19 pounds 10 ounces and just shy of 27 inches long. That places him in the.....drumroll, please....50th percentile....see, he's not some monster baby after all. The doctor was, of course, impressed with my child....he has been crawling for some time now and is quite strong. Solid and strong. My Levi. Ahead of the pack ;-) Did you have any doubts??
The other fabulous news is now that we are paying almost $450 (cough, cough) each month (choke, choke) for our own health insurance....I am able to take the boys to my favorite doctor of all time who is right.down.the.street! No more packing them up and driving the 25 minutes out to the ghetto that is Metro, parking on the 4th floor of the parking garage, schlepping babies, stroller, diaper bag, purse, jackets, blankies, etc. down 4 flights of stairs, across the street and into the building, waiting forever in a smokey, crowded waiting room before continuing to wait forever in the exam room. This is monumental! Round trip, my doctor's appointment took less than 1 hour and that included a stop at the bank and a drop off at the library. HALLELUJAH!
The boys are doing great. Levi decided yesterday that crawling is not enough...he now can pull himself up to standing! Did you hear me?? Pulling himself up to standing shy of 7 months!! Give me a break! He did this for the first time as Tim and I watched him playing with Mason's car garage. I didn't get the full stand with my camera because of a weak battery, but Tim got it on the video camera.....
It is so crazy to look at these pictures and see Levi PLAYING...I love it! You should have seen his face when he hit the gas button and it made the gassin' up sound. He beamed....and so did Tim and I! It was like he really got it...and he was having fun!
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wow - well it's true he's LARGER than Luke was at that age. Luke barely tipped 20 lb at 13mos.
it's that food you feed him ;-)
Love the new look, Am!! Very fresh :) Go Levi--what a lovable SOLID boy!! Ella isn't so light herself--weighing in at 22lbs. at 9 months...I think they are a match made in heaven :)) Love & miss you!!
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