14 August 2008

Tooth #2 & U-Shaped Poo

Levi's second bottom tooth made its debut this evening! He was gnawing on anything he could get his hands onto--his fave was Mason's matchbox cars--much to Mason's dismay. Last night, Levi was pretty miserable trying to get this tooth to poke through so I called the neighbor and borrowed some whiskey (a. because I am too cheap to buy a whole bottle just for this occasion and b. I wanted her reassurance that I should try this old-school remedy) The neighbor lady was happy to oblige and offered me my choice of whiskey, brandy, or wine....I'll have to keep her number on hand...

I'm not sure if the whiskey worked or not....it was a little shocking that Levi seemed to enjoy licking it off of my finger. Especially considering he HATES the nice, sweet, fruity flavored infant's tylenol and motrin. I hope that isn't a sign ;-) He smacked his lips together for the next 20 minutes or so and then passed out while nursing. I had myself convinced that I had gotten my sweet baby drunk even though I seriously just dunked my finger in it for a second and shook my finger off to further reduce quantity. My neighbor lady told me she used to take the knuckle off of a chicken bone and soak it in whiskey in the fridge before giving it to her kids....seriously! That made me feel like it was ok for a quick rub on the gums.

Tooth #2 is HERE!!

In other news, Mason is doing very well using the potty. #2 has been a small (and messy) issue...but today he pooped on the potty and he was very proud of himself. He even pointed at it and said, "Mommy, it's a U"...it's true, my boy has U-shaped poo....and even though it was the cutest U-shaped poo I have ever seen, I'll spare you a photo... ;-)

Potty Time

Tonight was beautiful...here are some snapshots of our time in the backyard. Levi was so content exploring the grass, eating leaves, and watching his big bro and I run around. Mason took the birdseed out of the shed and insisted that I stock the bird feeder....such a little animal activist.

Good Night!


Christy said...

Beautiful pictures, Amy. I would frame a few of these if I were you.

Christy said...
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