27 November 2007

The Picture Problema

Well, it will be a while before we get some new pics on here....There is no more room on our computer and we are waiting for the perfect 500gb external hard drive...perfect meaning...the right deal at the right time. Target had them for $88 bucks on Black Friday, but they were out of them (of course)...

So, there will be more pictures soon!

Gobble, Gobble

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Tim worked Thanksgiving Day so Mason and I spent it at Grandma Bella's and Grandpa John's house...Aunt Brittany was there with her brother Kyle and Aunt Lindsay and her friend Joe showed up. It was one of the best (if not the best) Thanksgiving dinner EVER! Tim met us there at 8:00 pm for a quick bite...and then home to bed.

Mason likes to party. He enjoyed being such a little social butterfly all weekend...Friday, Tim's dad and Linda and Brandon came over with the Proellochs Fam for a low-key pizza party.

Saturday, we lounged all day...and Sunday, we went to my parents for MORE TURKEY! It was super fun....and Tim was off yesterday, too...so we have had a ton of family time...I'm already missing him this morning.

Mason is in a MEGA-DADDY PHASE. He pushes me away and says DA, DA!! It is a glorious thing at 5:30 in the morning ... sorry, honey, Mason wants YOU...I'm going back to bed.

And, now the holiday season is upon us....SUPER EXCITING. We'll be putting up our tree and decorations this week...and making our lists and checking them twice. It will be interesting to see how much more Mason 'gets it' this year...and then the big boy will turn 2!!!! YIKES!

So much to be thankful for--family, friends, health...and a Savior that loves us and provides for our every need. Our pastor spoke on his missions trip to Cambodia this past Sunday...and it was a great reminder of how blessed we are to live in this country...to have a roof over our heads, with heat, warm clothes. It challenged me to be thankful for so much more than I normally am....

15 November 2007




So, Mason started saying NO last week....Previously he would just shake his head emphatically. His little voice sounds so cute when he says it that we can't help but laugh...he seems to say it as an automatic response most of the time you ask him any type of question....so it is quite cute. BUT we know that, soon enough, this will be our LEAST favorite word to hear.


13 November 2007

Bye, Uncle Phil!

Uncle Phil is in town for his final farewell before he heads out to Washington State. Mason has been enjoying time with him. He especially loves Uncle Phil's hat.

Planes, Trains, & Automobiles...

Oh yeah, and helicopters, school buses, garbage trucks, dump trucks, landscaping entourages, snow plows, cars with loud exhausts, 'kids with loud music' cars, people that honk their horns, leaf blowers, snow blowers, lawn mowers, tractors....anything with an engine....

Back in my pre-kid days, I used to laugh at parents that said they had to tiptoe around their house when jr. was asleep. I mean, kids are supposed to sleep so soundly that they NEVER wake up at said noises....Then I had Mason.

He slept thru the night at 7 weeks. I was in heaven. I thought I was the best mom on earth. I planned my life around his precious schedule and marveled at his amazing desire to sleep all night long. It was because I was a nursing mom. It was because I had amazing intuition. It was because I attended to his every need so well. I vaccuumed while he slept. I left his door open so that he would get used to noise. I did everything right.

But then something went terribly wrong: He started HEARING things and WAKING UP!! At first, it was really loud things....like crashes in the kitchen or somebody loud at the door. But it soon turned into anything and everything: The squeaky brakes on school buses (there is a bus stop right next door). Tim's truck warming up in the morning. Loud trucks. So I put a fan in his room to drown out noise. Then I put a fan outside his door to drown out more noise. Then I started tip-toeing...and requiring others to talk in hushed voices...I felt rude. I even ssshhhhed people. I was that mom.

But what are you going to do. The kid needs to sleep...for your sanity as much as for his. And when the kid next door catches the bus at 6 am....that's just too early....And when the snow plow comes barrelling down the street at 4 in the morning....

So we know have a white noise machine that works fairly well. And Mason's sleep has regressed too many times to count...so we really don't know what is waking him up or why...I think it depends on his mood. And, according to Dr. Ferber, where he is in his sleep cycle.

But to all of those loud vehicles that cut through my precious 25-mile-an-hour street...there have been times when I have wanted to sniper out my window...with a silencer, of course.

09 November 2007


Raking leaves....so fun...Jumping in leaves....so much more fun!

02 November 2007

Ride 'Em Cowboy

Mason was a rip-roarin', rootin'-tootin' cowboy for Halloween this year. And let me just tell you that he was in his glory...he couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror and once those cowboy boots got on his feet, he would not take them off---he was literally tap-tappin' around the house in his boots and hat, riding his rocking horse, and smiling with complete pride.
I got him dressed at 9:00 in the morning and took him with me to my dr. apt. He was so happy that everyone noticed his boots and seemed excited that they knew he was "Mason Cowboy" for the day!

He loved passing out candy to the 'big kids' and we even ventured out and 'trick or treated' at 4 houses....he was clicking all the way! It amazed me how fast he embraced the ritual of knocking on doors, saying trick or treat, and holding up his red bucket for candy.