06 August 2008

Vacation, Part I

On the way down to Lake Logan for the Best-Ashby Annual Vacation, we stopped for an overnight in Columbus to visit Tim's Aunt Janie & Uncle Jay and their family. We really enjoyed seeing them and their children and grandchildren.
Mason insisted on cleaning their outdoor house (don't know why he decided to turn into a neat freak??) and then begged to 'paint' it (where he got this idea, I have NO idea) so Uncle Jay obliged with a bucket of water and a paintbrush...Mason then insisted on having a ladder so cousin Emmerson hunted one down for him.
Levi was a little angel in his exersaucer and got lots of lovin' from the relatives. We enjoyed a delicious dinner outside and stayed up late talking and laughing. The big highlight, though, was that Mason finally got to watch CARS. He will now forever associate Aunt Janie with CARS on the 'big TV"....he would not even blink when it was on....

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