07 February 2011

:: captured ::

At times, the days seem to just go by in a rhythmic fashion: wake up, nurse, breakfast, nurse, play, nurse, lunch, nurse, naps, nurse, dinner, nurse, bed, nurse, repeat. I am reminded not to wish these days away. I am reminded that these precious children are growing and changing each and every day. I am reminded that I will miss these faces just like I miss the faces of my newborn boys, my crawling boys, my toddling boys. And it hurts; it makes it hard to breathe.

Winter in Ohio does this. Long days indoors does this. But in the midst of these days, weeks, months, I try to slow down the rhythm of routine and capture specific moments. I hold these captured moments so close to my heart: the faces of my boys at play, the smiles of my sweet baby girl, the wink of my hubby. I watch my boys' laughing silliness and freeze it. I watch as they kiss and cuddle their baby sister and I freeze it. I watch my husband melt when he holds his baby girl. I watch him tenderly teach and train our boys.

Moments. Captured.


all my drucks in a row! said...

love this post!! thanks for the reminder girl!!

Tonia said...

Sweet, sweet moments! Way to capture Mamma Best!